Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Addressing Kenya's food crisis on a community level

My country Kenya is in crisis with food and fuel prices soaring and people starving. Through OTEPIC, I hope to bring low-water, organic techniques to my community where traditional approaches to producing food have been lost or are no longer possible. I believe that agriculture can have such profound effects on the environment, human health, and the social order, it is a critical part of any movement toward sustainability. I am looking for financial support for our community demonstration gardens. If you would like to help with our project, please contact me.

Here is a picture of me in the summer of 2008. I traveled from my small village in Kenya to the USA and learned about biointensive farming through my studies and work at the Ecology Action Center in Willits, CA.

I have spent my adult life learning about sustainability. In 2006-07, I worked with the Community Mobilization Against Poverty in Kitale, Kenya, increasing food security in the community by introducing women’s groups and small-scale farmers to farming practices that make efficient use of limited resources, require few external inputs, and protect natural resources, especially soil fertility, for future generations.

In 2003-'05, I studied biointensive farming at the Manor House Agricultural Centre in Kitale and I have worked with the Animal Care Initiative Network to teach humane care and protection of animals and encourage families to nurture their animals and thus themselves.

I hope some day to return to the US to get a degree in sustainable agriculture and then bring my skills and knowledge back to my community.

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